How you can find us

contacts & arrival

You have some questions about your holiday?


Hear you can find all about our contact dates and also our location on Google maps.

We are also glad if we can help you personally- you can contact us at any time!



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N 47° 46' 20'' (N47.7721867)

E 14° 54' 10'' (E14.9026861)



The drive way at "Ferienstadl Hammerau" is at the roadkilometer km 63,0 at the Road B25.

Thats 4,5 km after the Gasstation "OMV" in Göstling


We ensure for the best snow removal in the wintertime,

but we are still recommending to take snow chains with you.



  • Strohmarkt 36, 3345 Göstling/Ybbs (Austria)



We are availlible on this telephonnumbers:

  • 07484/7294
  • 0676 7542686






If you have more questions write us!

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